Indoor/Outdoor Cables

Indoor-Outdoor Cables

Indoor/Outdoor Cables represent a solution for both indoor and outdoor applications and are designed to be able to withstand the harsh outside environments, while being able to be deployed indoors, facilitating the transition from one to the other. This type of fiber optic cable is used to eliminate splice points, simplifying installation and cable handling and Waveoptics® options comply with flame rating and fire prevention requirements, according to the country and region of the world they are deployed. Flame-retardant jacket materials include PVC Riser, PVC Plenum, and Low-Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH).


Do you need to request a specific type of Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable?

Don’t worry! Our Cable Configurator will give you an idea of what exact code your required Cable has, so you can save time when piecing together your inquiry to our sales department.

Highley Configurable

Highly Configurable

Waveoptics Cables can be highly configurable, there a lot of dielectric and non-dielectric options available for any type of need, even with high or low fiber counts and gel or gel-free variations.

Personalized Service

Personalized Service

Our Cables can be custom made, easily identify them with customizable markings, include your company name and receive them in specific lengths to adapt them to your needs.

Delivery time

Delivery time

With one of the best lead times in North America, FONCS ensures a your order delivery at a very competitive rate, so you can prepare your Fiber Optic Installation Fast and efficiently.

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